Contact hotel Morphée
In Villeneuve-d'Ascq near Lille
+33 (0)3 20 47 17 18
50 €
Contact hotel Morphée
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General terms and conditions of sale


These terms and conditions are applicable to all sales (excluding groups) carried out with theHôtel Morphée, 35 rue de la Cousinerie  59650 Villeneuve d'Ascq.

1. Aptitude

All customers must be eligible to enter into a contract, which means being of legal adult age and not under deputyship or guardianship.

2. Tariffs

Prices indicated are in €uros and include taxes and take into account applicable VAT on thereservation date.
Prices  apply per room for the number of people indicated and the selectedtime period. 
Prices only include the services that are specifically included in the reservation.
Additional services provided by the  hotel during the stay, in addition to the tourist tax, which isnot included in  the price displayed, must be paid directly to the hotel.
(Tourist tax is not applicable to  children under 13)

3. Reservation conditions

Reservations may be made on the websites www.hotel-morphee.com and www.contact- hotel.com
Reservations will only be valid if they are guaranteed by the customer. When areservation is made, a payment  authorisation from the credit card is made.
No amount will bedebited in advance , other than in the case of a “no cancellation, non-refundable” promotional offer.
Your  personal data are protected by a secure connection. No reservation fees. The entireamount or remainder  of the costs for services must be paid at the hotel.

4. Reservation modifications

Any request to modify a reservation, in terms of room type, the provision of a cot, additional bed or additional  nights must be sent as quickly as possible and at the latest on the day beforeyour arrival , so that we can inform you about availability.

5. Cancellation terms

All reservation cancellations must be made before 6pm (local time) on the day before you are due to arrive.
The cancellation may be made on line using the link that appears on your confirmation e-mail, or directly  with our hotel reception by e-mail on info@hotel-morphee.com or telephone on 33(0)3 20 47 17 18. In the latter case, a  cancellation number will be provided.

For reservations made on our partners' Internet sites, other than www.hotel-morphee.com or www.contact-hotel.com, the  cancellation will be made directly on their sites.

Applicable cancellation conditions are determined  by the partners and may therefore be different to thosepracticed by Hôtel Morphée.
In the case of a no-show or if the reservation is not cancelled before 6pm, the cost of the firstnight will  be debited and the remainder of the stay cancelled. If the stay is to be partiallycancelled, the  customer must inform the hotel on arrival.

For the “no cancellation, non- refundable” promotional offer and group reservations, the abovecancellation terms  and conditions do not apply.

6. Relocation

In cases of force majeure, exceptional circumstances or technical issues, the hotel reserves theright to completely or  partially relocate the customer in a hotel of equivalent or superior qualitythat offers services of the  same kind. The cost of transportation and any supplements will thenbe covered by  the hotel, and it may not be pursued for the payment of any further damages.

7. The hotel and its services

The hotel reception desk is open 24 hours a day.

Breakfast is served in the dining room on the ground floor from 6am to 10am.

Rooms are available   from 2pm and must be vacated by 12pm on the day of departure. A supplement may be charged  if this maximum departure time is not respected. If you are
planning to arrive after 8pm, the reception must be informed in advance.
Customers accept and commit to using the room with due care and attention. Any unreasonable or disruptive behaviour  will lead the hotel to ask the customer to leave thepremises with no compensation and no  reimbursement if a payment has already been made.

Animals are accepted under certain conditions: they must be kept on a leash in all common areas of our building. For hygiene reasons, animals are not permitted in the breakfast room andmust not be left  alone in rooms. An animal supplement will be charged.

Hôtel Morphée offers wifi internet access.
Customers using the service will ensure that the computer resources at their  disposal are under no circumstances used to reproduce, represent, broadcast or communicate to the public  works that are protected by copyright, without the prior authorisation of the  copyright holders.

Hôtel Morphée is equipped with a video surveillance system inside its common areas and car park.

8. Applicable law

Any disagreement, complaint or dispute regarding the terms and conditions of a reservationwill fall  under the exclusive authority of French jurisdiction.