Contact hotel Morphée
In Villeneuve-d'Ascq near Lille
+33 (0)3 20 47 17 18
50 €
Contact hotel Morphée
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"Always nice to stay at your hotel!"
"Always a pleasant stay, good location and free parking, clean and comfortable [...]"
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Our health commitments near Lille

Stay safely in our hotel in Villeneuve-d'Ascq!

At Hotel Morphée, the safety and health of our clients as well as our employees, partners and suppliers are our priority.
Our hotel is committed and signs the charter of welcome and hygiene of Contact Hotels.
You can consult it here.

For a pleasant stay in Villeneuve-d'Ascq near Lille, Hotel Morphée implements the recommendations and legal obligations imposed by the government.

The welcome and hygiene charter is based on 5 commitments:

  • Reinforce hygiene in our hotel
  • Protecting you during your stay
  • Reorganizing our catering solutions
  • Protecting our employees
  • Limiting the spread of the Covid-19 virus

Throughout your stay at the Hotel Morphée, we guarantee a level of security and hygiene measures adapted to the health crisis.

The well-being and safety of our guests and our teams are our top priorities.
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