Contact hotel Morphée
In Villeneuve-d'Ascq near Lille
+33 (0)3 20 47 17 18
50 €
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Old Stock Exchange of Lille (Vieille Bourse)

Take advantage of your stay at Hôtel Morphée to discover the Vieille Bourse, the most beautiful monument in Lille!


A jewel of Flemish architecture

The former Lille Stock Exchange was built by Julien Destrée between 1652 and 1653. In the 17th century, this monument housed the union of merchants from the city of Lille, thus representing a real centre of economic activity. The Old Stock Exchange has since been replaced by the Northern Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

With its Flemish Renaissance architectural style, a 17th century movement, the Vieille Bourse has a colourful façade decorated with motifs, including fruits and horns of plenty. Admire this space of 24 houses and the talent with which the harmony of the building was designed. Despite the richness of the decoration, nothing seems superfluous!

The Old Stock Exchange, a historical monument

The Old Stock Exchange was classified as a historical monument in 1921. Major renovation work was carried out at the end of the 20th century. Several companies participated, their coats of arms appear on the windows of the facade. These renovations have enabled the Old Stock Exchange to regain all its former glory and its façade brings colour to downtown Lille.

The Old Stock Exchange today

Walk through the front door of the Old Stock Exchange and discover inside booksellers exhibiting their second-hand antique books as well as regulars gathering to play chess.
In July, August and until mid-September, tango evenings take place every Sunday evening until 11pm.

For more information, you can contact us at our hotel in Lille or visit the website of the Lille Tourist Office.
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