Contact hotel Morphée
In Villeneuve-d'Ascq near Lille
+33 (0)3 20 47 17 18
50 €
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The villa Cavrois is a must-to-see arount Lille that we strongly recommends you

  • Located 7 minutes from the Hotel Morphée in Villeneuve d'Ascq,

This a beautiful idea of visit in family, close to the hotel. Visitors discover the mansion in its historic state in 1932, the year it was delivered to the Cavrois family.

At your arrival, the exteriors are just amazing, but the interiors are even more astonishing!

When you visit this 2800 m² floor castle, the architectural modernity is just obvious, through the absence of ornament in the decoration, the multiplication of terraced roofs, and the use of materials and industrial techniques (glass, metal, steel).

Commissioned in 1929, by Paul Cavrois, a textile industrialist from the north, tThis art-deco architectural project of the 1930s, is the work of the architect Robert Mallet-Stevens, also figure of the modernist current. The line of action was: "air, light, work, sports, hygiene, comfort and economy".

The result is a building at the forefront of technology at the time (interior elevator, central heating, fitted kitchen ...) for comfort and good living. Even in the kitchen, architecture disappears in front of the household appliances: large windows- which at the time, is new- built-in cupboards, a dumbwaiter serving terraces ...

Following the death of Mrs Cavrois in 1986, the villa will be put up for sale twice and then finally neglected because the real estate project can not be implemented. Indeed, the State classified in 1990 the villa under the title Historic Monuments. The acquisition of the house by the State in 2001, launched the beginnings of a long period of works of rehabilitation of the building. After no less than 13 years of work and research on furniture sets, the villa and its park are restored to their condition of 1932.

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